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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Forestry emphasizes the science-based conservation and management of forest lands, ecosystems and related natural resources. Students gain the skills that are necessary for the measurement, assessment, and valuation of natural resources and the evaluation of management strategies for forest and related wildlands. Successful completion of the curriculum will provide competency in the general areas of basic science, forest biology, forest mensuration, forest economics, natural resource policy, decision-making and problem solving, and communications. The option is accredited by the Society of American Foresters (SAF), the specialized accrediting body for forestry programs in the U.S. Requirements for this option include the successful completion of two, three-week field camps in May, which are scheduled to follow the sophomore and junior years, and are held annually in diverse forest settings. Field forestry skills, forest ecology, integrated natural resource management, and state-of-the-art operations are emphasized at camp.
This option emphasizes the biological, socio-political, and managerial skills needed to ensure the sustainability of forest ecosystems and the many renewable forest resources, goods and services upon which society depends. Graduates are on track for careers with federal and state land management agencies, forestry corporations, and a diversity of organizations and businesses in the private sector.
Career Options
  • Forester
  • Timber and Forest Manager
  • Forest Ecologist
  • Recreation Manager
  • Tree Nursery Manager
  • Private Forest Land Owner Consultant
  • Urban Forester
  • Forest Researcher

Additional Resources

Dr. Omkar Joshi

Assistant Professor
549 Ag Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078

Forestry Camp Galleries

Below is a collection of previous Camp Forestry galleries listed by year.