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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Vegetable Videos

Videos provided by Dr. Lynn Brandenberger on basic techniques used for horticulture food crops. Dr. Brandenberger specialized in vegetable crop production and is a former faculty member in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture.


'Green Manure': How Cover Crops Create Healthy Soils and Boost Crop Yields
In order to meet the demands of a growing human population, farmers across the globe are attempting to improve the yields and nutritional content of their crops. However, this is an especially difficult challenge, in an age where climate change is negatively impacting our agricultural systems. To address these pressing issues, Dr Lynn Brandenberger and Dr Joshua Massey of Oklahoma State University focus on the intersection of soil health and crop production. Recently, they demonstrated how cover crops can greatly improve soil health and, consequently, enhance crop yields.
How cover crops create healthy soils and boost crop yields

Vegetable Resource Information

Vegetable Trial Reports

The Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, cooperating departments and experimental farms conducted a series of experiments on field vegetable production. Data were recorded on a majority of aspects of each study and can include crop culture, crop responses and yield data.

2022 Report 2021 Report 2020 Report 2019 Report 2018 Report