American Fisheries Society
The Oklahoma Student Subunit of the American Fisheries Society was formed in 1996
by students for students. This organization is dedicated to bringing awareness of
past, present, and future fisheries related issues to graduate and undergraduate students
currently enrolled in Oklahoma universities. Since 1978, the Oklahoma Chapter of the
American Fisheries Society has brought fisheries professionals together to exchange information and act on issues
of concern to fisheries resources in Oklahoma. However, student needs differ from
those of established fisheries professionals, and our goal is to address the specific
needs of students and draw qualified students into the field of fisheries science.
The Student Subunit supports student involvement in state and regional American Fisheries Society meetings and pays registration and lodging for its members. Members of the subunit also assist the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife with their annual Wildlife Expo, and the Payne County Audubon Society with their Nature Day and Nature Camp. Guest speakers from the fisheries profession come to speak to members about job opportunities and advice for making a career of fisheries science. The Student Subunit also has an annual fish fry and techniques demonstration.
Our chapter recently won first place in Oklahoma State University's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Homecoming Window Decorating Contest as a part of America's Greatest Homecoming Celebration. Other activities include:
- Guest Speakers
- Fish Habitat Projects
- Ecology Lab Help
- Fishing Trips
- Fisheries Related Volunteer Opportunities
- Fisheries Techniques Demo
- OKNRC Meeting