Cheryl Newberry
Program and Personnel Development Specialist
Educational Background
- B.S. - Vocational Home Economics Education and Community Services, Oklahoma State University, 1989
- M.S. - Secondary Education, Emphasis in Curriculum Design & Instruction, Tarleton State University, 2001
Primary Responsibilities
- Coordinate professional development for OSU Extension employees
- Provide training and assist in coordinating teams working on projects related to professional development
- Oversee management of onboarding and mentoring of new employees
- Coordinating OSU Extension Biennial Conference, CED Conference, Administrative Support Staff Conference and other events as needed
- Oversee management of OSU Extension awards and recognition
- Provide oversight for the Extension Career Ladder process
- Manage the in-service calendar and work with instructors to populate with training, record attendance, and more
- Extension Facilitator for the Innovation Skill Building Experience