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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Servers and Data Distribution


Core Server 4

Data Storage

We necessarily generate very large amounts of raw data, and this trend will only accelerate in the future.  To deal with ever-increasing storage demands, we will maintain your data on our data server for one year.  We recommend that each customer download and store data on a local drive promptly upon receipt.  Your data won't disappear after one year, but it will move to permanent storage.

We provide permanent data storage by periodically transferring data to the Oklahoma Petastore, a permanent magnetic tape-based data storage service maintained by the University of Oklahoma.  We utilize the safest possible storage configuration in which our data is stored on two separate tape drives stored in separate locations.


Mass Spectrometric Data and Analyses

MS analysis generates a lot of raw data, particularly analyses conducted on the Orbitrap Fusion, which generates over 1 GB of data for each run, and most analyses contain multiple runs. The raw data is then processed by either MaxQuant (the latest and best analytical method) or Byonic.  We typically distribute only the data analyses generated by the analytical software to customers.

We distribute raw MS data upon request, but it will only remain available on the Core Facility Data Server for a limited time, during which the customer should download and transfer it to local storage.

All MS raw and analytical data will be stored permanently in the Oklahoma Petastore.


DNA Sequencing Data

Our sequencer generates two files per sample, an .ab1 chromatogram and a .seq text file.  The .seq files may be viewed with any word processing our text editor program, such as notepad, wordpad, MS word, etc.

Sequencing data is placed in each principal investigator's folder in the Core Facility Data Server.  We recommend that customers download and store data on a local drive.  After one year, data will be moved from the server to permanent storage in theOklahoma Petastore.


Data Generated by Other Equipment

We offer a wide range of user-operated analytical instrumentation, from GelDoc systems to HPLC.   Collecting data from these instruments is up to you.  It isn't uploaded to the data servers.

We maintain a strict anti-virus policy, and do not allow the use of flash drives without prior permission.  The best solution to retrieving your data from our analytical instrumentation is to e-mail it to yourself.