Cereal Aphids Pest Management
About the Aphid
Aphids are soft bodied insects that are capable of multiplying rapidly. The most distinguishing
characteristics that they possess are their stylet-like mouthparts and a pair of tubelike
structures that project from their abdomen, called cornicles. Aphids may be winged
or wingless and they usually reproduce asexually, giving birth to live young through
a process called parthogenesis in which all the young are females. They grow by shedding
their skin, which leaves a "ghost-like skeleton on the leaf.
Aphids feed by sucking plant juices. Some aphids like the Greenbug and Russian wheat
aphid possess toxic substances in their saliva that causes the plant to become distorted
or injured. Others are able to transmit plant diseases. Aphids have a number of natural
enemies that hold down population increases.