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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Karen R. Hickman

Director, Environmental Science Program

365 Agricultural Hall

(405) 744-2288

Pamela Abit

Program Specialist

Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

220 Agricultural Hall

(405) 744-2398

Sergio Abit

Professor and Advisor

Plant and Soil Sciences

170 Agricultural Hall

(405) 744-2679

Julie LaBar

Assistant Professor and Advisor

Environmental Science & Plant and Soil Sciences

365 Agricultural Hall

(405) 744-2288

Lixia Lambert

Assistant Professor and Advisor

Agricultural Economics

321 Agricultural Hall

(405) 744-6169

Qing Luo

Associate Professor

Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

358 Agricultural Hall

(405) 744-5414

Kiranmayi Mangalgiri

Assistant Professor

Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

(405) 744-5914

Tyson Ochsner


Plant and Soil Sciences

371 Agricultural Hall

(405) 744-3627

Ryan Reuter


Animal and Food Sciences
208A Animal Science
(405) 744-8856

Karl Rich


Director, Master of International Program

545 Agricultural Hall

(405) 744-6638

Quisto Settle

Assistant Professor and Advisor

Agricultural Communications

441 Agricultural Hall

(405) 744-6548

Kevin Wagner


Director, Water Resources Center

110 Noble Research Center

(405) 744-7093

Gail Wilson

Professor and Advisor

Natural Resource Ecology & Management

475 Agricultural Hall

(405) 744-5539

Chris Zou

Professor and Advisor

Natural Resource Ecology & Management
562 Agricultural Hall
(405) 744-9637

Staff & Graduate Teaching Assistants

Nicholas Ssebalamu

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Master of International Agriculture Program

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