January Gardening Tips
David Hillock, Consumer Horticulturist
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Division Of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
- General
If precipitation has been deficient (1” of snow = ~ 1/10” of water), water lawns, trees, and shrubs, especially broadleaf and narrowleaf evergreens. Double check moisture in protected or raised planters.
Check on supplies of pesticides. Secure a copy of current recommendations and post them in a convenient place. Dilution and quantity tables are also useful.
If you did not treat young pines for tip borers in November, do so before March.
Check that gardening tools and equipment are in good repair—sharpen, paint, and repair mowers, edgers, sprayers and dusters.
Inspect your irrigation system and replace worn or broken parts. (HLA-6615)
Control overwintering insects on deciduous trees or shrubs with dormant oil sprays applied when the temperature is above 40°F in late fall and winter. Do not use “dormant” oils on evergreens. (EPP-7306)
A product containing glyphosate plus a postemergent broadleaf herbicide can be used on dormant bermudagrass in January or February when temperatures are above 50°F for winter weed control. (HLA 6421)