Dual Degree Programs
Take your degree around the globe!
These programs provide student participants from each institution with an opportunity to study in and benefit from the academic and cultural environment of the other institution. For each degree, the student will have a “home” institution and a “host” institution at which the student studies abroad, taking courses in partial fulfillment of the “host” institution’s degree requirements.
Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP)
OSU-MIAP has a long-standing dual degree program with UPAEP, with a number of students
from UPAEP availing a dual degree with MIAP since the two programs were more tightly
matched in 2012. OSU students are free to take advantage of the UPAEP dual degree
and many course offerings are available in English.
More details on the programs available at UPAEP can be found at the website below:
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
OSU-MIAP has a dual degree program with Chapingo since 2014, which is the premiere
public agricultural university in Mexico. A number of potential Masters offerings
are available to link with MIAP. Proficiency in Spanish is required for OSU students
interested in this dual degree.
More details can be found at the website below:
Azerbaijan State Agrarian University
OSU-MIAP and ASAU have established a dual degree program that will commence in the
Fall of 2022 with the first cohort of Azerbaijani students starting the MBA – International
Agriculture program at ASAU. Up to 10 ASAU students will come to Stillwater for their
second year starting Fall 2023 to take courses in MIAP. Exchange opportunities exist
for OSU students interested in the course and research offerings at ASAU.
More information on participating ASAU departments can be found at the websites below: