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NREM Spring Scholarships Banquet 


Jim Ansley, Sonika Poudel, Chamali Rodrigo and Danielle Brosend holding their award.

Sally Jo Bible Scholarship

L to R: Dr. Jim Ansley, Sonika Poudel, M.S., Chamali Rodrigo, M.S., and Danielle Brosend, M.S.


This scholarship was established through a donation made by Mrs. Sally Jo Bible to support a program of research and education in forestry, wildlife management and/or natural resources. The fund honors overall excellence of a M.S. or Ph.D. student in NREM.



Hunter Torolski holding his award next to Dr. Jim Ansley.

Outstanding Fisheries Graduate Student Scholarship 

Hunter Torolski, M.S. with Dr. Jim Ansley


This award recognizes special achievement in academics, research, and involvement in departmental, university, or professional activities by an NREM graduate student in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology. The student must also be active in the American Fisheries Society.



Matt, Tian, Sydny are holding their award next to Dr. Rod Will.

Afanasiev Distinguished Graduate Fellowship 

L to R: Dr. Jim Ansley, Matt Broadway, Ph.D., Tian Zhang, Ph.D., Sydny Hager, M.S.,

and Dr. Rod Will, NREM forestry faculty representing the Afanasiev family.


Dr. Michel Afanasiev was a professor in the forestry department at OSU. Eugenia Afanasiev established the Fellowship in 1982 to honor her late husband and his profession. Recipients must be NREM graduate students that are working on a forestry research topic.



Landon and Kayla holding their award next to Dr. Jim Ansley.

Buck & C.A. Aldrich Endowed Fellowship 

Landon Neumann, Ph.D. and Kayla Johnson, M.S. with Dr. Jim Ansley


This scholarship was established in 2013 by Carla Aldrich in memory of her parents, Buck and Catherine Ann, who both attended Oklahoma A&M. The recipient should be engaged in the study of wildlife management and conservation, game management and/or invasive species and their applications to agriculture.



Dr. Jim Ansley, Kiera, Matthew and Holly holding their awards.

Williams Distinguished Graduate Fellowships 

L to R: Dr. Jim Ansley, Kiera Kauffman, Ph.D., Matthew Turnley, Ph.D., and Holly Todaro, Ph.D.


Established by Dr. Cletis Williams in honor of his parents to encourage graduate agriculture students. He never married or had children, but will be remembered for his commitment to furthering the education of students in the field of agriculture. Williams DGFs are awarded to full-time Ferguson College of Agriculture graduate students. Past recipients are eligible to be re-selected to receive the DGF for up to 3 years of graduate level study. This is the first year for Holly and second year for Kiera and Matthew.



Sarah is accepting her award from Dr. Jim Ansley.

Vandiver L. (Buster) Childs Memorial Scholarship 

Sarah Cain, M.S. with Dr. Jim Ansley


Established in 2020 by Dr. Dara Childs in memory of his brother Buster Childs, who graduated with a degree in forestry from OSU in the 1950’s but lost his life in Vietnam in the 1960’s. This scholarship is awarded to a full-time M.S. or PhD student enrolled in the NREM Department who is conducting research in the topic area of forest wildlife.



Molly with Jesse’s parents and Dr. Jim Ansley.

Jesse Burton Memorial Graduate Student Scholarship 

Molly Koeck, Ph.D. with Jesse’s parents Louise and Bruce Burton and Dr. Jim Ansley


Established in 2019 by Jesse’s family and NREM faculty and staff to honor the memory of Jesse Burton, who graduated with an M.S. degree in the NREM department. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time M.S. or PhD student enrolled in the NREM Department.


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