Undergraduate Scholarships
The Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management offers 18 scholarships/awards to undergraduate and graduate students annually. The amounts, eligibility criteria, and application process vary between scholarships and awards - some scholarships require an application, while some do not.
Students interested in applying for one of Natural Resource Ecology & Management scholarships or awards must fill out the Ferguson College of Agriculture Scholarship Application. The usual deadline date for the Ferguson College of Agriculture Scholarship Application form is January 15.
Learn more about scholarship opportunities and deadlines
Students interested in applying for a forestry scholarship or award must answer the additional questions about the forestry profession that are located within the Ferguson College of Agriculture form. Other scholarships and awards may become available at other times of the year and have a separate application process. Students will be notified of these awards, deadlines and the application process via announcements in classes, posters in classrooms and email through the Natural Resource Ecology & Management Listserv. Scholarships and awards are presented each year at the Annual Natural Resource Ecology & Management Banquet.
Forestry Scholarships
- Clymer - C. L. Clymer Scholarship
To be eligible for this $500 award, the applicant must successfully complete the forestry summer camp program during the preceding academic year. Criteria for this award includes demonstrated scholarship, leadership, character and potential to make significant contributions to the practice of forestry as demonstrated during summer camp.
Deadline: Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for additional information. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall or spring terms only.
- Number of Awarded Annually: One
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Currently enrolled undergraduates in Natural Resource Ecology & Management forestry options.
- How to apply: The Summer Camp Faculty selects the recipient of this award.
- Application Deadline: n/a
- Financial need required: No.
- Eligibly criteria: Successfully complete the forestry summer camp program during the preceding academic year.
- Renewal criteria: Not renewable.
- Craig Blair RMS Forestry Scholarship
Resource Management Service (RMS), LLC is a timber management organization headquartered in Birmingham, AL. RMS employs about 160 professionals and manages forest assets in the USA and Brazil worth nearly $6.5 billion. In 2023, RMS made a significant donation to fund an annual scholarship to a full-time undergraduate student at Oklahoma State University majoring in the Forest Ecology and Management (FOEM) option in the Natural Resource Ecology and Management (NREM) Department of the Ferguson College of Agriculture. This scholarship honors Craig Blair, Chairman of the Board of Managers at RMS.
The purpose of the “Craig Blair RMS Forestry Scholarship” is to attract, recruit and retain students with a diversity of backgrounds. The ultimate goal is twofold in that RMS and the forest management industry will benefit from a wider array of perspectives represented among their employees, and that diversifying the student body at OSU will better prepare all Forestry alumni to navigate the complex, multicultural world in which forest management takes place.
The scholarship includes one year of funding at $10,000 for juniors that are applying, or possibly 2 years of funding at $10,000 per year for sophomores that apply. With the scholarship a summer internship with RMS is also offered, but is not mandatory.
Eligibility for the Craig Blair RMS Forestry Scholarship is linked to the forestry camp field studies courses in the FOEM curriculum. For a sophomore to be eligible, they must be enrolled in or have already completed the first forestry camp course, NREM 3101 (Forest Resource Field Studies) in May of their scholarship application year. A successful sophomore applicant would then receive the $10,000 scholarship support for their junior year if they have successfully completed NREM 3101. They are eligible to receive a second year of funding during their senior year contingent upon completing the second forestry camp course, NREM 3111 (Natural Resource Field Studies).
For a junior to be eligible, they must be enrolled in or have already completed both NREM 3101 and NREM 3111. A successful junior applicant would receive the $10,000 scholarship beginning the fall of their senior year if they have successfully completed both camps. (NOTE – If a student has not been able to take either of the forestry camp courses during Covid when camps were cancelled, they are still eligible to apply if they intend to take camp this May). Preference will be provided to students who have an overall grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and demonstrated proficiency in forest camp.
To apply please fill out the following questions that will aid the NREM scholarship committee faculty to best determine suitability for the award. Please complete and submit before February 25.
Apply for the Craig Blair RMS Forestry Scholarship
- Durrell Forestry Alumni Association Scholarship
This $500 scholarship is awarded annually to the outstanding senior forestry student based on scholarship, character, and potential for leadership. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: n/a
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of Award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall or spring terms only.
- Number Awarded Annually: One
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Currently enrolled senior-level student in a Forestry option, The Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management.
- How to Apply: The Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management Scholarships and Awards Committee make the selection considering all forestry options graduating in the current calendar year.
- Application Deadline: n/a
- Financial Need Required: No.
- Eligibly criteria: Senior graduating in the current academic year in Natural Resource Ecology and Management with a forestry option.
- Renewal Criteria: Not renewable.
- Erwin Transfer Scholarship
Any student having completed college credit at any college or university who declares Natural Resource Ecology and Management as their major, with a forestry option and enrolls in at least one forestry course in their first semester is eligible. The student must exhibit potential for completion of the forestry degree program at Oklahoma State University. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: Priority deadline is February 1.
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year.
- Type of Award: Cash scholarship. Pays in spring, summer, or fall terms.
- Number Awarded Annually: Varies.
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Transfer students declaring a major in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, with an option in Forestry.
- How to Apply: Submit the on-line application or the Undergraduate Application for Admissions/Scholarships to OSU.
- Application deadline: Priority deadline is February 1.
- Financial need required: No.
- Eligibly criteria: Any new student having completed college credit at any college or university who declares Natural Resource Ecology and Management as their major, with a forestry option and enrolling in at least one forestry course in their first semester is eligible to apply.
- Faye Allene Rife Brown Summer Camp Scholarships
Students eligible are those attending OSU Forestry Summer Camp.
Deadline: Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for additional information. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: Summer term.
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in summer term.
- Number Awarded Annually: varies
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Currently enrolled undergraduates in majoring in Natural Resource Ecology and Management with a forestry option and attending summer camp.
- How to apply: Request special application form from the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management
- Application Deadline: Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for additional information.
- Financial need required: No.
- Eligibly criteria: Sophomore- or junior-level forestry student attending summer camp.
- Renewal criteria: Not renewable.
- Ouachita Society of American Forests Scholarships
The Ouachita Society of American Foresters offers this $500 scholarship to OSU students on a ‘rotating’ basis, only in odd-numbered years (2003, 2005, and 2007).
Presented at annual Awards Banquet of the Ouachita Society in conjunction with annual meeting in November or December.
Deadline: See The Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for more information. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year.
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall term
- Number Awarded in odd-numbered years: 1
- Residency Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Full-time junior or senior majoring in Natural Resource Ecology and Management with an option in forestry.
- Application deadline: See Department for specific details. Deadline is approximately two months before annual meeting.
- Financial need required No.
- Eligibility Criteria: Member of Student Chapter, Society of American Foresters.
- Renewal criteria: Not renewable.
- Rigdon Scholarship
This scholarship provides $500 to a qualified, full-time, second-year Natural Resource Ecology and Management major, with a forestry option sophomore or junior demonstrating interest in public service as a career goal. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: 5:00PM on Friday of the third week of February
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall or spring terms only.
- Number awarded annually: One
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Currently enrolled undergraduates in majoring in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, forestry option.
- How to apply: Online Scholarship Application Form
- Application deadline: January 15
- Financial need required: No.
- Eligibly criteria: Sophomore- or junior-level forestry student demonstrating interest in public service as a career goal.
- Renewal criteria: Not renewable.
- Roque Nalleyy Memorial Scholarship
The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student in the Ferguson College of Agriculture . The recipient must have a GPA of at least 3.25 on a 4.0 scale.
First selection preference shall be given to student majoring in forestry although the award is open to any Natural Resource Ecology & Management student. This fund is not fully endowed and has not been awarded yet.
- Silker - Ted Silker Memorial Award
The applicant must successfully complete the Forestry Summer Camp Program during the proceeding academic year. Criteria for this award include demonstrated great improvement in professional attitude, character growth, forestry skill development and academic achievement, as a result of the camp experience. Recipient will have exhibited outstanding attitude, cooperation, motivation, and willingness to learn at the summer camp. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for additional information.
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall & spring terms only.
- Number Awarded Annually: One
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Currently enrolled undergrads in Ferguson College of Agriculture majoring in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, with a forestry option.
- How to apply: The Summer Camp Faculty selects the recipient of this award.
- Application deadline: n/a
- Financial need required: No.
- Eligibly required: Successfully complete the forestry summer camp program during the preceding academic year.
- Renewal criteria: Not renewable.
- Walker Freshman Forestry Scholarship
This $500 scholarship is awarded yearly to a qualified, full-time freshman in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, forestry option major. Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for further information. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: January 15
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall or spring terms only.
- Number awarded annually: One
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Current undergraduate enrolled in freshman year as Natural Resource Ecology and Management major with a forestry option.
- How to apply: Online Scholarship Application Form
- Application deadline: January 15
- Financial need required: No.
- Eligibly criteria: Natural Resource Ecology and Management major, forestry option, completing freshman year.
- Renewal criteria: Not renewable.
- Walker Sophomore Forestry Scholarship
This $500 scholarship is awarded yearly to a qualified, full-time sophomore in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, forestry option major. Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for further information. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: January 15
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall or spring terms only.
- Number awarded annually: One
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Current undergraduate enrolled in sophomore year as Natural Resource Ecology and Management major with a forestry option.
- How to apply: Online Scholarship Application Form
- Application deadline: January 15
- Financial need required: No.
- Eligibly criteria: Natural Resource Ecology and Management major, forestry option, completing sophomore year.
- Renewal criteria: Not renewable.
- Walker Junior Forestry Scholarship
This $500 scholarship is awarded yearly to a qualified, full-time junior in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, forestry option major. Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for further information. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: January 15
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall or spring terms only.
- Number awarded annually: 1
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Current undergraduate enrolled in junior year as Natural Resource Ecology and Management major with a forestry option.
- How to apply: Online Scholarship Application Form
- Application deadline: January 15
- Financial need required: No.
- Eligibility criteria: Natural Resource Ecology and Management major, forestry option, completing junior year.
- Renewal criteria: Not renewable
- Flick Forestry Ranger Award
Senior who demonstrates potential to succeed in the Profession of Forestry; involvement in clubs and other professional activities. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for additional information.
- Amount: $500/year and hand made axe or saw
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of award: Cash Award. Pays in spring only.
- Number awarded annually: One
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Currently enrolled undergraduates in majoring in Natural Resource Ecology and Management with a forestry option.
- How to apply: None Required. Chosen by Faculty Scholarship Committee.
- Application deadline: n/a
- Financial need required: No.
- Eligibly required: Demonstrated involvement in clubs and professional activities, not necessary to be the top academically.
- Renewal required: Not renewable.
- Weyerhaeuser Company Scholarships
Two $500 scholarships are awarded annually to qualified, full-time students in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, with a forestry option. Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for further information. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: January 15
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall or spring terms only.
- Number awarded annually: Two
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Currently enrolled undergraduates majoring in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, with a forestry option and expressing an interest in industrial forestry.
- How to apply: Online Scholarship Application Form
- Application deadline: January 15
- Financial need required: No.
- Eligibly criteria: Natural Resource Ecology and Management, forestry option major.
- Renewal criteria: Not renewable.
- Dave and Merna Jo Robinson AwardAwarded annually to a senior forestry student who demonstrated “special achievement” not solely related to academic performance, encouraging professional development, activity and involvement outside of the classroom.
- Rigdon Memorial ScholarshipAwarded to qualified, full-time, second-year Natural Resource Ecology and Management major, with a forestry option.
- Ted Silker Memorial ScholarshipThis award presented annually to a student(s) who demonstrate great improvement in forestry skills because of the camp experience.
Wildlife Ecology and Management | Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology Scholarships
- A. A. and Mary Lue Sewell Award
The Sewell Award is presented annually to the outstanding upper-division Wildlife junior for achievement and involvement in wildlife and career-related activities (e.g., student professional organizations), academics, and work, in that order. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for additional information.
- Amount: $500/year
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall & spring terms only
- Number awarded annually: One award, may be shared by two students
- Residency: Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Currently enroll undergraduates in the Ferguson College of Agriculture majoring in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, with options in Wildlife Ecology and Management or Fisheries and Aquatic CASNR.
- How to apply: Online Scholarship Application Form
- Application deadline: January 15
- Financial need required: No
- Eligibly criteria: Outstanding upper-division National Resource Ecology and Management, Wildlife junior for achievement and involvement in wildlife and career-related activities (e.g., student professional organizations), academics, and work, in that order.
- Renewal criteria: Not renewable
- Farrell Copelin Scholarship FundTo provide scholarships for undergraduate students studying wildlife conservation.
- Matthew Allen Scheidt Endowed Memorial Scholarship
The scholarship recognizes junior or senior majors in Wildlife Ecology and Management or Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology with a GPA less than 3.5 who may be coping with significant health issues. Scholarship details are listed below:
- Deadline: Contact the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management for additional information.
- Amount: $500/semester for 2 semesters
- Duration: One academic year
- Type of award: Cash scholarship. Pays in fall & spring terms only.
- Number awarded annually: One
- Residency : Oklahoma residents and nonresidents
- Awarded to: Currently enrolled undergraduates majoring in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, with options in wildlife ecology and management or Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology.
- How to apply: Online Scholarship Application Form
- Application Deadline: January 15
- Financial need Required: No
- Eligibly Criteria: Junior or senior majors in Wildlife Ecology and Management or Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology with a GPA less than 3.5 who may be coping with significant health issues.
- Renewal Criterial: Not renewable.
- Ron and Sandra Jarman Fisheries Scholarship AwardThe recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student at OSU in Natural Resource Ecology & Management and must have a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and be actively involved with the student chapter of the American Fisheries Society or be actively involved in professional activities (student worker, technician, intern or professional societies).
Rangeland Ecology and Management Option Scholarships
- Dave and Debra Engle Endowed ScholarshipAwarded annually to qualified, full-time students in Natural Resource Ecology and Management, with a rangeland ecology and management or fire ecology option
- Oklahoma Rangeland Heritage Society AwardThe award shall be offered to the highest scoring individual in the range judging competition at the National Land and Range Judging Contest each year, provided the recipient enrolls in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management at OSU.
- Society for Range Management ScholarshipThe Oklahoma Section of the Society for Range Management (OKSRM) established this award in 2009 to recognize academic success and Range Club participation of a student who is in the Rangeland Ecology and Management degree option within the NREM department at Oklahoma State University.
External Scholarships
Employment and Internship Opportunities