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Land Judging and Agronomy CDE Kits

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Crops Judging Material Order Form



Agronomy Club

The Agronomy Club was founded in 1934. The club’s mission is “To promote fellowship, leadership, and educational opportunities among agronomists”. Though the club is focused within the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, it has members with majors from across the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. As a club we take trips to the National Students of Agronomy, Soil, and Environmental Science meetings and the Regional SASES Meeting every year. As the largest club within the department, we strive to work closely with faculty and staff, and other clubs to recruit new students for the department. The club would like to thank the entire faculty, donors, and alumni of the department for their continued support throughout the years.


Dr. Sergio Abit and Dr. Beatrix Haggard


Meeting Dates for Fall 2024

  • August 27

  • September 10

  • September 24

  • October 8

  • October 22

  • November 5

  • November 19

Location and Time: Ag Hall Room 112 at 6:30 PM



Lights on Stillwater, Pumpkin Sale, OSU Homecoming Harvest Carnival & Chili Cook-off, Senior Send-off, The Stillwater, Flower Show, SASES national and regional meetings, and more!

Soil and Water Conservation Society

The Oklahoma State University Soil and Water Conservation Club (SWCC) is a student chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society of America (SWCS). The SWCS serves as an advocate for conservation professionals and for science-based conservation practice, programs, and policy.


The Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization -- founded in 1943 -- that serves as an advocate for conservation professionals and for science-based conservation practice, programs, and policy. SWCS has over 3,000 members around the world. They include researchers, administrators, planners, policymakers, technical advisers, teachers, students, farmers, and ranchers. Our members come from nearly every academic discipline and many different public, private, and nonprofit institutions.


Our mission is to foster the science and art of natural resource conservation. Our work targets conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources on working land—the land used to produce food, fiber, and other services that improve the quality of life people experience in rural and urban communities. We work to discover, develop, implement, and constantly improve ways to use land that sustain its productive capacity and enhance the environment at the same time.


Dr. Sergio Abit and Dr. Daniel Adamson

Agronomic Crops Judging Team


Dr. Beatrix Haggard



Emily Landoll

Soil Judging Team


Dr. Jason Warren

Collegiate Weed Science Team


Dr. Misha Manuchehri

Graduate Student Organization

The Plant and Soil Sciences Graduate Student Organization (PSSGSO) belongs to all graduate students enrolled in graduate programs in the department. We currently have 63 members. Our organization strives to promote career and leadership skills, and provide opportunities for social and network activities. These include, but are not limited to, exchanging information on course work, thesis/dissertation preparation, computer programs, employment opportunities, facilitating professional growth, strengthening leadership skills, improving communication and social skills, and promoting fun time for graduate students and the opportunity to get to know each other. Activities of the past year include: (1) lunch meetings with all graduate students and invited speakers; (2) monthly “Breakfast with faculty and staff” on the first Friday of every month; (3) Fund raising events such as the chili cook-off; and (4) End of the semester cookout. We want to thank everyone for their support. We have had a fun and eventful year. Together, we are building a strong foundation for our future. For more information, please feel free to contact our president or any PSSGSO officer.


Dr. Shiping Deng