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Checklist of the Hemiptera (Heteroptera) of Oklahoma

The true bugs are probably as well known as any of the major orders of insects in Oklahoma. The K. C. Emerson Entomology Museum at Oklahoma State University contains approximately 80 drawers of Heteroptera and many of the specimens have been identified by specialists in the various groups. Identification aids have been available for most families of bugs for many years and several workers have produced surveys of the local fauna.


It would seem that a great many Oklahoma species would be recorded in the literature. However, when checking the most recent Hemiptera Catalog, one quickly finds this is not the case. Even some of our very common species are not shown to occur in Oklahoma. The following list is an attempt to rectify this situation. It includes all species listed in the Hemiptera Catalog (Henry and Froeschner, 1988), species in the OSU Collection, and other literature records. The bibliography is limited to locally produced papers (through 1988), most of which are not in the literature cited section of the Hemiptera Catalog. More recent papers are cited when found.


This checklist is anything but complete. Even though families such as Lygaeidae and Pentatomidae have been studied, there are probably species in Oklahoma that have not been collected. The largest family (Miridae) is not well studied and may only represent half of our species. This list includes 546 species in 288 genera and 35 families.

Checklist and Bibliography of Oklahoma Hemiptera (Heteroptera)

  • Alydidae - broad-headed bugs
  • Anthocoridae - minute pirate bugs
  • Aradidae - flat bugs
  • Belostomatidae - giant water bugs
  • Berytidae - stilt bugs
  • Cimicidae - bed bugs
  • Coreidae - squash and leaf-footed bugs
  • Corixidae - water boatmen
  • Cydnidae - burrowing bugs
  • Enicocephalidae - unique-headed or gnat bugs
  • Gelastocoridae - toad bugs
  • Gerridae - water striders
  • Hebridae - velvet water bugs
  • Hydrometridae - water measurers or marsh treaders
  • Largidae - largid bugs
  • Lygaeidae - seed bugs
  • Mesoveliidae - water treaders
  • Miridae - plant or leaf bugs
  • Nabidae - damsel bugs
  • Naucoridae - creeping water bugs
  • Nepidae - waterscorpions
  • Notonectidae - backswimmers
  • Ochteridae - velvety shore bugs
  • Pentatomidae - stink bugs
  • Phymatidae - ambush bugs
  • Piesmidae - ash-gray leaf bugs
  • Pleidae - pygmy backswimmers
  • Reduviidae - assassin and thread-legged bugs
  • Rhopalidae - scentless plant bugs
  • Saldidae - shore bugs
  • Schizopteridae - schizopterid bugs
  • Scutelleridae - shield-backed bugs
  • Thyreocoridae - negro bugs
  • Tingidae - lace bugs
  • Veliidae - broad-shouldered water striders or riffle bugs

Checklist of the Hemiptera (Auchenorrhyncha) of Oklahoma

The following checklist contains records of 331 species in 152 genera and 14 families of Auchenorrhyncha. It is based on the OSU Collection and readily available literature. More in-depth literature surveys would undoubtedly add additional species. There are also additional in the undetermined portion of the collection.


Only the Cicadidae and Membracidae have been studied in Oklahoma. The Cercopidae and some of the smaller fulgorid families may also be reasonably complete. Many additional species of Cicadellidae and Delphacidae remain to be collected and/or determined.

Checklist and Bibliography of Oklahoma Hemiptera (Auchenorrhyncha)

  • Acanaloniidae - acanaloniid planthoppers
  • Achilidae - achilid planthoppers
  • Caliscelidae - piglet bugs
  • Cercopidae - froghoppers or spittlebugs
  • Cicadellidae - leafhoppers
  • Cicadidae - cicadas
  • Cixiidae - cixiid planthoppers
  • Delphacidae - delphacid planthoppers
  • Derbidae - derbid planthoppers
  • Dictyopharidae - dictyopharid planthoppers
  • Flatidae - flatid planthoppers
  • Fulgoridae - fulgorid planthoppers
  • Issidae - issid planthoppers
  • Membracidae - treehoppers

Checklist of the Hemiptera (Sternorrhyncha) of Oklahoma

The following checklist contains records of 199 species in 109 genera and 13 families. It is based on the OSU Collection and readily available literature. More in-depth literature surveys should add additional species. There are also additional species in the undetermined portion of the collection.


The aphids and scale insects have been studied in Oklahoma but additional species of both groups continue to be found. Most of the other families are poorly known. Whiteflies and psyllids are almost unstudied in Oklahoma.

Checklist and Bibliography of Oklahoma Hemiptera (Sternorrhyncha)

  • Aleyrodidae - whiteflies
  • Aphididae - aphids and plantlice
  • Cerococcidae - ornate pit scales
  • Coccidae - soft scales
  • Dactylopiidae - cochineal scales
  • Diaspididae - armored scales
  • Eriococcidae - felt scales
  • Kermesidae - gall-like scales
  • Lecanodiaspididae - false pit scales
  • Margarodidae - ground pearls
  • Phylloxeridae - phylloxera
  • Pseudococcidae - mealybugs
  • Psyllidae - psyllids and jumping plantlice


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