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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Checklist of the Orthopteroid Orders of Oklahoma

The following list contains 238 species of orthopteroid insects that have been reported to occur in Oklahoma. There are 205 true Orthoptera plus 20 species of cockroaches, 5 species of mantids and 8 species of walkingsticks. The entries are in alphabetical order under the next highest category.

Checklist and Bibliography of Oklahoma Orthopteroid Orders

  • Blattaria - Cockroaches
  • Blaberidae - giant cockroaches and others
  • Blattellidae - German, wood, and other cockroaches
  • Blattidae - oriental, American, and other cockroaches
  • Polyphagidae - sand and other cockroaches
  • Mantodea - Mantids
  • Mantidae - mantids
  • Orthoptera - Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Katydids
  • Acrididae - hort-horned grasshoppers
  • Gryllidae - crickets
  • Gryllotalpidae - mole crickets
  • Mogoplistidae - scaly crickets
  • Myrmecophilidae - ant-loving crickets
  • Rhaphidophoridae - cave or camel crickets
  • Stenopelmatidae - Jerusalem, sand, or stone crickets
  • Tetrigidae - pygmy grasshoppers
  • Tettigoniidae - long-horned grasshoppers
  • Tridactylidae - pygmy mole crickets
  • Phasmida - Walkingsticks and Leaf Insects
  • Heteronemiidae - common walkingsticks
  • Pseudophasmatidae - striped walkingsticks


This checklist is anything but complete. Corrections, additions or comments would be very welcome, please contact us!