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Extension Publications

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheets provide research-based information on a wide variety of topics. Explore hundreds of resources made available by Oklahoma State University's prestigious team of educators and download PDF's formatted in a clear and concise manner.

Testing and Services

Plant Disease & Insect Diagnostic Lab

The Plant Disease and Insect Diagnostic Laboratory (PDIDL) provides Oklahoma residents with both accurate diagnoses of plant diseases and insect pests and recommendations for their control.

Institute for Biosecurity & Microbial Forensics

The Institute for Biosecurity and Microbial Forensics (IBMF) assess current national capabilities in microbial forensics as related to plant pathogens and food safety.

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is "Intelligent Pest Management"; backed by science and designed to provide safe, effective, economical and sustainable solutions that protect people and resources from pests. 

Agricultural Models

Mesonet Agriculture Essentials

The Oklahoma Mesonet is a world-class network of environmental monitoring stations. The Mesonet Agriculture Essentials is an online tool to help producers track weather patterns, calculate growth days and other useful data.

Alfalfa Weevil

The Alfalfa Weevil Heat Units is provided as a tool for alfalfa producers, pasture consultants and others involved in alfalfa insect pest management.

Glance n Go Project

Glance n Go is a smart phone app to help aid in treatment for sorghum aphids.

Peanut Leafspot Advisor

The Peanut Leafspot advisor is provided as a tool for peanut producers, crop consultants and others involved in peanut insect pest management.

Pecan Scab Advisor

The Pecan Scab advisor is provided as a tool for pecan producers, crop consultants and others involved in pecan insect pest management.


Africanized Honey Bees

Basic information about the Africanized honey bee, how to differentiate them from other bees and wasps to protect your home against them.

Digital Diagnostics at OSU

Digital Diagnostics is an online application created by OSU to provide the producer with information about the infectious disease or insect affecting the crop.

Fire Ants

A brief overview of fire ant control methods and a preferred two-step control recommendation.

Insect Adventure

Looking for an unforgettable and unique educational experience for your youth? Try having an Insect Adventure! The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension has the only live bug petting zoo in the state.

K.C. Emerson Entomology Museum

A collection and scientific library was given to Oklahoma State University in 1970 and they are now part of The K.C. Emerson Entomology Museum.

Livestock Entomology at OSU

Resources to help you find updates and articles related to both Livestock and Public Health matters dealing with Entomology.

Mosquitoes & West Nile Virus

Over 60 mosquito species occur seasonally in Oklahoma - from March through first frost in November. 

Pesticide Safety Education Program

Stay up-to-date on testing procedures, unwanted pesticide disposal programs, applicator manuals and more.

Stored Products Research and Education Center

The OSU SPREC is dedicated to use by faculty, staff and collaborators for generation and dissemination of new information about protection, management or marketing of a wide variety of postharvest agricultural bulk commodities and value added products.

Stored-Product PSOCID

The identification of stored-product psocids and information on psocid biology and control.

Turfgrass Diagnostic Laboratory

The Turfgrass Diagnostic Laboratory (TDL) is a subsidiary of the Plant Disease and Insect Diagnostic Laboratory in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at Oklahoma State University.