Discovering Career Options
Your time in the Ferguson College of Agriculture is one of personal growth and discovery. You are experiencing new classes, meeting new people and getting introduced to the broader view of where your time at OSU may lead. Answer the question “what’s out there for me?” Learn about opportunities that fit with your interests, skills and talents. Use this time and the resources we have available to learn more about who you are and what you want to do after graduation.
Recommendations for Discovering Career Options
Learn more about “discovering” recommendations targeted at helping you continue your personal creation of your future success.
- Complete a career assessment and discuss the results with a Career Services staff
Schedule an appointment with a Career Services staff member to discuss assessment options and to start the career assessment process.
- Identify majors connected to career interests and read descriptions of courses required
for those majors.
Visit the OSU Registrar website. Follow the link for the “University Catalog” to access course descriptions.
- Brainstorm a list of possible future employers of interest.
Career ideas can come from everywhere and anywhere – a movie or TV show, a product you bought at the local superstore, an 18-wheeler you passed on the highway, a guest speaker in a class, and many more places. Keep your smartphone or a notepad handy and record your thoughts for further investigation. Look up the website of these potential future employers to learn about their typical positions.
- Read job descriptions related to career interests.
The OSU Hire System, specific employer websites, professional organization job listings, and industry-specific job search sites are just a few of the places you may find job postings or descriptions to read and analyze.
- Create a resume or update a previous résumé and have it reviewed by a Career Services
staff member or trained volunteer.
If you do not know where to begin in developing a resume, visit Canvas Career Resources for assistance. Once you have a rough draft developed, bring it by the Hilst Center for Student Success, 101 Ag Hall, to have it reviewed.
- Establish relationships with faculty members, advisors, peers, alumni and campus staff.
Visit with your professors after class, during their office hours, or schedule an appointment to discuss a faculty member’s discipline with him or her. Attend discipline-specific student organization meetings, alumni panel discussions and other activities.
- Attend career development workshops, presentations and events.
Visit the OSU Career Services website or OSU Hire System to find a schedule of campus-wide career events.
Find out about workshops, presentations and events coordinated by the Ferguson College of Agriculture Career Services team by visiting the Career Services Homepage and following the Ferguson College of Agriculture social media channels. - Take classes related to career areas you are considering.
Visit the OSU Registrar website. Follow the link for the “University Catalog” to access course descriptions for all OSU classes. Currently admitted students may enroll in classes online at
- Activate your OSU Hire System account, complete your profile and upload your resume.
Visit OSU Hire System and go to the “Student & Alumni” section. Select the “Hire System Login” tab on the left-hand navigation menu. Select the “New User?” option and follow the directions for account set up. Once inside the Hire System, use the options under “My Profile” in the top navigation to complete your profile and upload your resume.
- Create a LinkedIn account, including a professional photograph.
Set up a LinkedIn account. Varying levels of subscriptions are available, including a free subscription option. LinkedIn also has an app for both Apple and Android products. The site has helpful information about account set up and use under the “Help” menu. Career Services staff also can provide guidance in maximizing your LinkedIn usage.
- Conduct informational interviews and/or job shadow professionals in career fields
of interest.
Visit with a Career Services staff member, your academic advisor, your peers and other network connections to seek out referrals and contact information for individual professionals in your career fields of interest.
- Attend career fairs and employer information sessions.
Visit the OSU Hire System, to find a schedule of campus-wide career events, including career fairs and employer information sessions. Stay informed of employer-student connection events coordinated by the Ferguson College of Agriculture Career Services by visiting the events page and following the Ferguson College of Agriculture social media channels.
- “Try on” career fields of interest through volunteer opportunities, part-time jobs,
research experiences and/or internships.
Meet with a Career Services staff member and your faculty advisor to identify potential experiences of benefit to your career decision-making process. Both resources can guide you in learning how to get involved and/or seek out such opportunities.
- Get involved in student organizations and participate in co-curricular activities.
Visit OSU’s CampusLink website to explore the more than 400 clubs, organizations and activities throughout the Stillwater campus and learn how to get involved. You can also explore over 60 Ferguson College of Agriculture student organizations.