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Eighth Grade Agriculture Exploration Prepared Public Speaking


The 8th Grade Agriculture Exploration Prepared Public Speaking Leadership Development Event is designed to develop leadership and communication skills and promote specific interest in agricultural leadership and career exploration by providing members participation in agricultural related public speaking activities. 



  1. Develop and practice great communication skills.
  2. Gain knowledge of current agricultural topics and issues.
  3. Explore career interests in the diverse field of agriculture.


Event Rules

  1. This division is for eighthgrade members only. Firstyear FFA members participating in this division must also be enrolled in the eighth grade.


  2. The event is open to eighthgrade students who are regularly enrolled in high school agricultural education and who are active members of FFA chapters in good standing with the state association and national organization. Dual members speaking in 4H public speaking are ineligible to speak in FFA public speaking during the same school year.


  3. The event is structured in three levels of advanced participation: Regional, Area and State.

    The state event will be limited to participation by two students in each division who have been determined winners in an area event.

  4. Members may participate in more than one division if they give a different speech. A different speech is defined as follows: “All speech material in each manuscript must be entirely different, including the introduction, body, and conclusion, which also includes all facts, figures, quotes, titles, etc.” Any member violating this rule will automatically be disqualified in all speech divisions entered.

  5. A member that wins a state speaking division is ineligible to speak again in that division. The speech manuscript is retired, and a copy is kept on file in the state office.

  6. Each manuscript will be the result of the student’s own effort.

  7. Any speech participant not in Official FFA Dress will receive a five‐point deduction.

• Official FFA dress for FFA members is an official FFA jacket zipped to the top. Black slacks and black socks or black skirt and black nylons. White collared blouse or white collared shirt. Official FFA tie or official FFA scarf. Black dress shoes with closed heel and toe. Note: Official garb of recognized religions may be worn with Official Dress. See /About Us /Official Dress Standards for additional recommendations.

8. The use of props in FFA public speaking is not acceptable. Any member violating this rule will automatically be disqualified.


Event Format

Team Make-Up




Each participant must provide the following items to the State FFA Office on or before 5:00 p.m., Thursday, the day before the state event: 

  • Three double-spaced, typewritten copies of the speech on 8½ x 11 white paper. It is recommended all speech contest manuscripts be bound by a coil, comb, or zip bind type of GBC or similar brand of binding
  • The manuscripts must adhere to the following specific requirements or the participant will be DISQUALIFIED at the state event: 
    • The manuscripts may have a cover provided the cover is CLEAR. The manuscript may also have a back cover in any color. No pictures, artwork, words, logos or any image may be on either the clear front cover or the back cover. 
    • It is required that the first visible page of each manuscript is the TITLE PAGE. The Title Page must include the following information (*nothing else) and IN THIS ORDER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM: 
      • Speech Title 
      • Speech Division
      • Official FFA Emblem not to exceed 4” in Height 
      • Contestant’s Name 
      • Name of the FFA Chapter 
    • It is recommended the Title Page be generated from the fillable form generated from the CDE tab at
    • *Note: No word art, pictures, artwork, additional words or additional logos, or any other image may be on the Title Page. 
  • It is required that a complete and accurate bibliography used in writing the speech be included at the back of EACH manuscript. (It is recommended to use an online bibliography generator like or utilizing the APA bibliography format.) 
  • It is required that the Certification Sheet (statement of originality signed by the contestant and advisor) must be included at the back of EACH manuscript. (It is recommended the Speech Certification form be generated from the CDE tab



  1. In the 8th Grade Agriculture Exploration speaking division, participants may choose any current or future subject that deals with the industry of agriculture as a whole, or any segment of the agricultural industry.
  2. All subject matter should have ties to the agriculture industry. In all speech divisions it is desired, but not required, to tie “FFA” in as a part of your speech in an appropriate way. Career opportunities should also be considered. Historical aspects should be avoided.
  3. This division is 46 minutes in length. Participants are penalized one point per ten seconds for under four minutes or over six minutes. Examples: 6:01 to 6:10 would cost a onepoint deduction; 6:11 to 6:20 would cost a twopoint deduction, etc.



Immediately following the speech, participants will be allowed five minutes additional time to be asked questions from the judges relating to their speech. 



  1. It is recommended that three competent and impartial persons judge each division. A timekeeper will be designated to record the time used by each participant. 
  2. Each judge will be provided with a typewritten manuscript of each participant’s speech that must contain a bibliography and contestant certification form. Failure to comply will mean automatic disqualification of the participant. 
  3. Judges should be seated in different sections of the room in which the event is held. Each judge will score each participant based on the criteria of the judge’s score sheet provided. 
  4. Following the presentation, each judge will formulate and ask questions. Questions will pertain directly to the material presented by the speaker. The full five minutes allotted for questions should be used. Judges will score each participant on the ability to answer all questions asked by all judges. 
  5. Judges will return two copies of the manuscript to each contestant as they exit the contest room. The third copy will be kept on file in the state FFA office. 
  6. No tape recorders or video machines will be allowed in the contest room.
  7. When all participants have finished speaking, each judge will total the score for each participant. The timekeeper’s record will be used in computing deductions for over/under time. On the bottom line of the score sheet, each judge will rank each participant in numerical order based on the final score. Judges will complete the judging process without consultation with each other. 
  8. Each judge’s score sheet will be submitted to the designated event superintendent to determine the final ranking of participants. The lowest total of the final ranking is the winner. In the event two judges place a participant first, he/she is automatically first. In the event of a tie in the final ranking, the participant that two judges place highest will be determined the winner.
  9. No props are to be used. Failure to comply will mean automatic disqualification of the participant. 
  10. Applause shall be with held until all participants have spoken. 



Manuscript............................................................................. 25
Speech.................................................................................... 50
Questions................................................................................ 25


Total Points
Individual ............................................................................... 100



The division winners at the OSU State FFA Interscholastics in Stillwater will receive all cash awards, plaques and scholarships provided by sponsors for that division. 



This list of resources is not intended to be all inclusive. Other sources may be utilized, and teachers are encouraged to make use of the very best instructional materials available. The following list contains references that may prove helpful during event preparation. 

  • Oklahoma Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center (CIMC), FFA Prepared Public Speaking DVD, catalog number AG7301DVD. 
  • Oklahoma FFA web site at Click on Career Development Events. Click on Prepared Speech & Extemp Topic Research Links (provided by Rhett Laubach) 
  • National FFA Core Catalog: 
  • APA Style Guide (most current edition) 
  • Factual information pertaining to agriculture is available from:
    • United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250
    • State colleges, research centers and/or experiment stations
    • The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.