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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Agriscience Fair

Applications must be emailed to by April 1. Written Report must be submitted by April 1 using AET Agriscience Fair Application. The written report must be on the report template provided by the National FFA.  


More information can be found on the Oklahoma FFA website under the “Participate” tab. The written report will be pre-scored this year.


Event Rules

  1. National FFA rules will prevail in case of questions.  
  2. Competition is open to all FFA members in grades 8-12. Eligibility of each participant will be verified by checking the chapter’s FFA roster. Students must: 
    1. Be a member in good standing and listed on the state FFA roster.  
    2. Grade is determined by the grade level of the member at the time of qualification at the state level.  
  3. All Agriscience Fair Projects must be of quality which will be determined by the judges. If a project is not of quality, it will not be eligible for the Devon Energy money.  
  4. Participants must be present in official dress while their entries are being judged.  
  5. Participants are limited to one entry. There is no limit to the number of participants a chapter may submit. Successive year projects must indicate a change or growth in the project from the previous year. Category changes will be done with the mutual agreement of the agricultural science teacher and contest superintendent.  
  6. If more than one Agriscience project is entered from the same chapter and/or school, then projects must differ in:  
    1. research hypotheses (questions or objectives).  
    2. findings related to the research hypothesis (questions or objectives).  
    3. conclusions.  
    4. recommendations.  
    5. Student (each student may only participate in one project).  
  7. Interviews may not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. Projects of like category and division will be judged consecutively as a group unless precluded by scheduling conflicts. Students with conflicts due to participation in other events will need to notify the Agriscience fair superintendent during set-up to arrange an alternative judging time. Students who are late for their interview appointment will not receive credit for the interview or display portion of the evaluation sheet. Contest officials and participants are only allowed in the event area during project judging. 
  8. Participants must be available during the judging process for an interview. The interview is an opportunity for the judges to ask questions about your project. Interviews for Agriscience Fair will normally be 5 minutes in length and will not exceed 15 minutes. 
  9. Make sure that the project fits the Category ( 
  10. Division winners at the state FFA interscholastic competition are required to exhibit their entries in the Career Show at the State FFA Convention the following week.  
  11. Rules for the Oklahoma FFA Agriscience Fair will follow National FFA Agriscience Fair guidelines. A complete handbook, set of rules, score sheet, description of project components, a PowerPoint slideshow are available at the National FFA website. 
  12. Agriscience fair participant(s) display shows the results of the study utilizing a display board up to the dimensions of 36 inches high (from top of table to top of display) 48 inches wide 30 inches deep (the distance from front to back). The complete display, which includes methods of attaching as needed (easel, stand, etc.,) cannot exceed the dimensions of 38 inches high (from top of table to top of display) 50 inches wide 30 inches deep (the distance from the front to back). 
  13. Only the Judges and Agriscience Fair participants will be allowed in the contest buildings during the judging. 
  14. (National) Once a student places in the top three of a division and category, he/she can no longer compete in that division and category regardless of the research subject.  
    1. Students who wish to continue research on the same topic or who have won a division and category are encouraged to seek additional recognition using the proficiency award or star award, or they compete in another agriscience research area within the agriscience fair.  
    2. No student may participate in more than one category and division of the Agriscience fair each year.  
  15. Students MAY NOT:  
    1. In any way falsify a permission form, scientific paper or display.  
    2. Use another person's results or thoughts as their own even with the permission of this person. This includes work done by a family member or a mentor.
    3. Use information or data obtained from the Internet without proper citation.  
    4. Re-enter a project with only minor changes.  
      For questions concerning project categories contact Jenna Genson, National FFA E-mail her with project information and bring a printed copy of her response to the state contest.  


Display Requirements

  1. Each exhibit should include information relevant to the study. All projects must have the following information attached to the exhibit:  
    1. Name of Agriscience fair participant(s) responsible for developing the project  
    2. Chapter name, state  
    3. Title of category  
    4. Division (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6)  
  2. National Agriscience fair participant(s)’ display shows the results of the study utilizing a display board not to exceed the dimensions of:  
    1. 36 inches high (from top of table to top of display)  
    2. 48 inches (width)  
    3. 30 inches deep (the distance from front to back)  
  3. At the National FFA Agriscience Fair, tables will be provided and will not exceed a height of 36 inches. Failure to meet these requirements will result in disqualification. The display must consist of a stable, free-standing display board on the provided table top not to exceed the sizes outlined above. No additional props, handouts or electronics are permitted. No tablets, iPads, cell phones or other electronic devices will be permitted. Internet access will not be provided. 
  4. Ten (10 pts) will be deducted for oversized project boards. 
  5. No props are permitted for agriscience projects.
  6. Posters can be created utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint slide format; however, this is not required. Participant(s) are responsible for providing backing for the poster if needed.  


Display Safety Rules

  1. If an exhibit becomes unsafe or unsuitable for display, it will be removed and deemed ineligible for any awards.  
  2. Electricity will not be provided or permitted as part of a display at the National FFA Convention & Expo.  
  3. Displays will consist of: 
    1. A free-standing display board not to exceed the dimensions of 36 inches high (from top of table to top of display) by 48 inches (width) by 30 inches deep (the distance from front to back) in size. An easel is recommended.
    2. No additional props, logbooks, handouts or electronics are permitted in project displays. 



Division I - Individual FFA members in grade 8.  
Division II - Team of two FFA members in grade 8.  
Division III - Individual FFA members in grades 9 & 10.  
Division IV -Team of two FFA members in grades 9 &10.  
Division V - Individual FFA members in grades 11, and 12.  
Division VI - Team of two FFA members in grades 11, and 12.  



  1. Animal Systems (AS): The study of animal systems, including life processes, health, nutrition, genetics, management and processing, through the study of small animals, aquaculture, livestock, dairy, horses and/or poultry. 
    1. Compare nutrient levels on animal growth  
    2. Research new disease control mechanisms  
    3. Effects of estrous synchronization on ovulation  
    4. Compare effects of thawing temperatures on livestock semen  
    5. Effects of growth hormone on meat/milk production  
  2. Environmental Services/Natural Resource Systems (ENR): The study of systems, instruments and technology used in waste management; the study of the management of soil, water, wildlife, forests and air as natural resources and their influence on the environment. 
    1. Effect of agricultural chemicals on water quality  
    2. Effects of cropping practices on wildlife populations  
    3. Compare water movements through different soil types  
  3. Food Products and Processing Systems (FPP): The study of product development, quality assurance, food safety, production, sales and service, regulation and compliance and food service within the food science industry. 
    1. Effects of packaging techniques on food spoilage rates  
    2. Resistance of organic fruits to common diseases  
    3. Determining chemical energy stored in foods  
    4. Control of molds on bakery products  
  4. Plant Systems (PS): The study of plant life cycles, classifications, functions, structures, reproduction, media and nutrients, as well as growth and cultural practices, through the study of crops, turfgrass, trees and shrubs and/or ornamental plants. 
    1. Determine rates of transpiration in plants  
    2. Effects of heavy metals such as cadmium on edible plants  
    3. Compare GMO and conventional seed/plant growth under various conditions 
    4. Effects of lunar climate and soil condition on plant growth  
    5. Compare plant growth of hydroponics and conventional methods  
  5. Power, Structural and Technical Systems (PST): The study of agricultural equipment, power systems, alternative fuel sources and precision technology, as well as woodworking, metalworking, welding and project planning for agricultural structures. 
    1. Develop alternate energy source engines  
    2. Create minimum energy use structures  
    3. Compare properties of various alternative insulation products  
    4. Investigation of light/wind/water energy sources  
  6. Social System (SS): The study of human behavior and the interaction of individuals in and to society, including agricultural education, agribusiness economic, agricultural communication, agricultural leadership and other social science applications in agriculture, food and natural resources.  
    1. Investigate perceptions of community members towards alternative agricultural practices  
    2. Determine the impact of local/state/national safety programs upon accident rates in agricultural/natural resource occupations  
    3. Comparison of profitability of various agricultural/natural resource practices  
    4. Investigate the impact of significant historical figures on a local community  
    5. Determine the economic effects of local/state/national legislation impacting agricultural/natural resources  


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