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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Updated Guidelines for Participating in the 2021 OSU FFA Interscholastics


These rules and expectations must be followed to meet Oklahoma State University COVID-19 guidelines for healthy and safe events. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in disqualification of participants.


The Agricultural Issues Forum LDE will be held 100% virtually. See the updated 2021 guidelines for this LDE for specific rules and procedures.


The Veterinary Science CDE will be held 100% virtually. Refer to the Guidelines for  Locally Based Virtual Contests section and the 2021 guidelines for this event for specific rules and procedures.


The following CDEs will hold a preliminary contest to determine teams that will participate in the on-campus event. Refer to the Guidelines for  Locally Based Virtual Contests section and the 2021 guidelines for each CDE for specific rules and procedures.

The following CDEs/LDEs will take place on campus, but one or more components will be modified to meet university COVID-19 guidelines. Refer to the guidelines for each CDE or LDE for specific rules and procedures.

Refer to Oklahoma State University Event Plan with COVID-19 Guidelines for Healthy and Safe Operations of Livestock Judging Events for the following events:

Guidelines for ALL Contests

Prior to Contests

  1. Anyone feeling ill the week prior to, or the day of, the event must stay home.
    1. Please conduct health checks before departing home (e.g., temperature screening and/or symptom checking).
  2. Participants must provide their own writing utensil and other equipment as specified in the specific CDE guidelines. No chapter-provided equipment is to be shared.
    1. If the event uses a scansheet, a #2 pencil must be used.

During Contests

  1. ONE person is to check the team in and pick up the team packet.
    1. All other participants will go to a designated holding/orientation area where social distancing will be facilitated and maintained.
  2. Gloves will be used by persons working the registration areas.
  3. Check in areas will be sanitized frequently.
  4. ALL participants, teachers, volunteers and contest officials must wear a mask or shield covering their mouth and nose.
    1. Contestants should provide their own face covering.
    2. Contest organizers will have a limited supply of masks available to participants, if needed.
  5. Contest areas are limited to contest officials and participants.
  6. Hand sanitizer will be available at all event sites.
  7. Areas and materials touched by more than one person will be wiped down with disinfecting wipes between uses.
  8. Contestants are to maintain social distance of at least 6 feet at all times.
    1. Contest areas and materials will be set up to facilitate social distancing.
  9. For contests that include oral reasons:
    1. Spaces will be set up to allow a minimum of 6 feet between contestants and judges.
    2. Social distance between contestants must be maintained in holding areas.
    3. Plexiglass dividers will be placed between contestants and judges.
    4. Contestants may remove their masks while presenting oral reasons.

Guidelines for Locally Based Virtual Contests

Designate a Proctor

  1. When pre-registering on, provide the name and contact information for a contest proctor.
  2. The proctor will be responsible for administering and supervising the contest for your team in an ethical and fair way.
  3. The proctor should have no connection to the ag teacher or any team member.
    1. Suggested persons include the school librarian, counselor or administrator.
  4. The proctor must have the ability to access a file from an online shared drive and operate a PowerPoint slide show.
  5. If a chapter has teams competing in more than one virtual event, those events should be scheduled for different times and/or locations.

Contest Procedures

  1. Contest materials will be presented in a PowerPoint file housed on a shared drive.
  2. The proctor will be provided an access code and instructions prior to the time of the preliminary contest.
  3. All virtual contests will be open and available to teams from 8 a.m. Monday, April 12 until 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, April 14.
  4. A time should be determined during the open period (stated above) when the proctor and ALL team members can meet to conduct the contest.
  5. Participants will use an e-Scansheet provided by to record their responses.
    1. The e-Scansheet is a digital replica of the scansheet used with this contest for in-person events.
    2. Each participant must have their own electronic device with an internet connection to participate in the contest.
      1. Laptop computer, iPad and Microsoft Surface are recommended, but a smartphone will also work.
    3. Participants must complete their work independently, adhering to the FFA Code of Ethics.
      1. No unapproved reference materials.
      2. No sharing answers with teammates.
    4. Social distancing and other COVID-19 related safeguards must be followed during the virtual contest.
    5. When the contest is completed, participants are to submit their e-Scansheet by clicking the “Submit Form” button at the top of the form.
    6. Results for these contests will be posted on Thursday, April 15.