Updated Guidelines for Participating in the 2021 OSU FFA Interscholastics
These rules and expectations must be followed to meet Oklahoma State University COVID-19 guidelines for healthy and safe events. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in disqualification of participants.
The Agricultural Issues Forum LDE will be held 100% virtually. See the updated 2021 guidelines for this LDE for specific rules and procedures.
The Veterinary Science CDE will be held 100% virtually. Refer to the Guidelines for Locally Based Virtual Contests section and the 2021 guidelines for this event for specific rules and procedures.
The following CDEs will hold a preliminary contest to determine teams that will participate in the on-campus event. Refer to the Guidelines for Locally Based Virtual Contests section and the 2021 guidelines for each CDE for specific rules and procedures.
- Agricultural Communications
- Agricultural Technology & Mechanical Systems
- Land Evaluation
- Homesite Evaluation
- Milk Quality & Products
The following CDEs/LDEs will take place on campus, but one or more components will be modified to meet university COVID-19 guidelines. Refer to the guidelines for each CDE or LDE for specific rules and procedures.
- Conduct of Chapter Meetings
- Food Science & Technology
- Senior Parliamentary Procedure
- Turfgrass Management
Refer to Oklahoma State University Event Plan with COVID-19 Guidelines for Healthy and Safe Operations of Livestock Judging Events for the following events:
Guidelines for ALL Contests
Prior to Contests
- Anyone feeling ill the week prior to, or the day of, the event must stay home.
- Please conduct health checks before departing home (e.g., temperature screening and/or symptom checking).
- Participants must provide their own writing utensil and other equipment as specified
in the specific CDE guidelines. No chapter-provided equipment is to be shared.
- If the event uses a scansheet, a #2 pencil must be used.
During Contests
- ONE person is to check the team in and pick up the team packet.
- All other participants will go to a designated holding/orientation area where social distancing will be facilitated and maintained.
- Gloves will be used by persons working the registration areas.
- Check in areas will be sanitized frequently.
- ALL participants, teachers, volunteers and contest officials must wear a mask or shield
covering their mouth and nose.
- Contestants should provide their own face covering.
- Contest organizers will have a limited supply of masks available to participants, if needed.
- Contest areas are limited to contest officials and participants.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at all event sites.
- Areas and materials touched by more than one person will be wiped down with disinfecting wipes between uses.
- Contestants are to maintain social distance of at least 6 feet at all times.
- Contest areas and materials will be set up to facilitate social distancing.
- For contests that include oral reasons:
- Spaces will be set up to allow a minimum of 6 feet between contestants and judges.
- Social distance between contestants must be maintained in holding areas.
- Plexiglass dividers will be placed between contestants and judges.
- Contestants may remove their masks while presenting oral reasons.
Guidelines for Locally Based Virtual Contests
Designate a Proctor
- When pre-registering on JudgingCard.com, provide the name and contact information for a contest proctor.
- The proctor will be responsible for administering and supervising the contest for your team in an ethical and fair way.
- The proctor should have no connection to the ag teacher or any team member.
- Suggested persons include the school librarian, counselor or administrator.
- The proctor must have the ability to access a file from an online shared drive and operate a PowerPoint slide show.
- If a chapter has teams competing in more than one virtual event, those events should be scheduled for different times and/or locations.
Contest Procedures
- Contest materials will be presented in a PowerPoint file housed on a shared drive.
- The proctor will be provided an access code and instructions prior to the time of the preliminary contest.
- All virtual contests will be open and available to teams from 8 a.m. Monday, April 12 until 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, April 14.
- A time should be determined during the open period (stated above) when the proctor and ALL team members can meet to conduct the contest.
- Participants will use an e-Scansheet provided by JudgingCard.com to record their responses.
- The e-Scansheet is a digital replica of the scansheet used with this contest for in-person events.
- Each participant must have their own electronic device with an internet connection
to participate in the contest.
- Laptop computer, iPad and Microsoft Surface are recommended, but a smartphone will also work.
- Participants must complete their work independently, adhering to the FFA Code of Ethics.
- No unapproved reference materials.
- No sharing answers with teammates.
- Social distancing and other COVID-19 related safeguards must be followed during the virtual contest.
- When the contest is completed, participants are to submit their e-Scansheet by clicking the “Submit Form” button at the top of the form.
- Results for these contests will be posted on Thursday, April 15.