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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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The Entomology CDE contest introduces high school students to the fundamentals of entomology. Understanding the role of arthropods in complex ecological cycles is of utmost importance to agricultural crops and animal production, human health and well-being, and conservation. This CDE is intended to engage students in learning the broad scope of the field of entomology including insect characteristics, growth, feeding, their impact on humans, their ecological importance, careers in entomology, and taxonomy and nomenclature used by entomologists.


Event Rules

  1. The high three scores will be considered as the official team
  2. No talking, comparing, or copying of cards
  3. Hats, jackets, and backpacks are allowed to remain in the ID lab where they will be kept secure. These items are not to be with a participant during testing.
  4. The OK CDE Insect Order Characteristics will be considered the definitive document.
  5. Decisions of the judges will be final. 


Event Format

Team Make-up

  1. One entomology team is composed of three or four members. 
  2. Schools not entering a team may enter one or two students individually.


  1. Pencil (required)
  2. Eraser (recommended)
  3. Clipboard (recommended)
  4. Hand lens (at least 10x magnification)


This event consists of two components

  1. Section 1: Insect Identification
    1. Twenty-Five (25) stations with each containing a physical arthropod specimen.
    2. The entire specimen box may be lifted to examine closely.
    3. Specimen or vials may not be removed from the box.
    4. Stations are clearly numbered 1-25.
    5. A maximum of 2 minutes is allowed at each station.
    6. Contestants are to remain at that station until time is called and then move to the next station as directed.
    7. Scanforms will be collected at the end of this section.
    8. The superintendent will review ID specimens after all participants have completed both sections.
    9. Each station is worth 8 points.
      1. 2 points awarded for correct common name,
      2. 3 points for correct order,
      3. 1 point for metamorphosis,
      4. 1 point for mouthparts,
      5. 1 point for significance.
  2. Section 2: Written Exam
    1. 30 questions.
    2. Each question is worth 4 points.
    3. Questions are generated from Entomology and Introduction to Entomology listed in Study Materials section, below. There is no exam item bank.



Section 1 - 200
Section 2 - 120

Total Points

Individual - 320

Team - 960



Team and individual score ties will be broken using the accumulated points for correct type of metamorphosis for each insect in Section 1. Each question is worth 1 point.


Study Materials


Supplemental Materials

  • Texas Entomology 527TX-6 Scanform (Available soon)