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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Opportunities for Employers

Career Education & Professional Development

Throughout the academic year, Career Services coordinates a variety of student career education and professional development programs. Industry representatives are frequently needed to assist as speakers, panelists, or judges for these activities. Typical programs include our annual Alumni Panel, the Internship Exchange, Government Lunch and Learn, Networking Event, and the Oklahoma FFA Employment Skills Contest. If you or another representative of your organization are interested in helping, please contact our office at or (405) 744-9464 to see where we may be able to plug you in as a contributor.

Career Fair

The annual Career and Internship Fair takes place every September on the Oklahoma State University campus. The networking event attracts more than 1,000 students and nearly 100 recruiting organizations annually. We would be delighted to have you participate in this annual career connection event. Detailed information about the annual career fair may be found online at the Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Fair page.

Classroom Involvement

Classroom commercials are short, 5-10 minute time allotments at the very beginning or very end of a class, during which you may speak about your organization and its opportunities. Classroom commercials can give you a chance to place your organization within the attention of a targeted group of students in a specific class of interest. Professor for a Day opportunities provide a chance for you to work with a faculty instructor to identify and present a course-related lecture or activity during a specified single class meeting. Representatives engaged in the classroom in this manner provide invaluable real world insight to students enrolled in the class. Requesting Classroom Involvement may be done through an online request form.

NOTE: A minimum of three (3) weeks advance notice is required for all Classroom Involvement requests. Requests are granted at the discretion of faculty instructors based upon the course schedule.

Feature Events

Feature Events provide an opportunity for you to interact with students in a group setting and provide valuable information about your organization and its opportunities, while also answering questions from prospective talent. The best approach to hosting a successful Feature Event is to plan ahead. Career Services makes scheduling a Feature Event easy with an online request form.

NOTE: A minimum of three (3) weeks advance notice is required to fulfill Feature Event requests.

On-Campus Interviews

Many employers choose to interview students during their trips to campus to attend career fairs, host feature events, participate in alumni activities, or at other times of convenience. OSU and the Ferguson College of Agriculture Career Services will gladly assist by reserving interview space in the OSU Student Union or in Agricultural Hall for easy interview access and scheduling. We can coordinate the interview sign-up process for you through the OSU Hire System. Call our office at (405) 744-9464 to get started or complete an online request form (three weeks notice required).

Other On-Campus Connection Ideas

  • Facilitate a workshop or guest speaker event on a key industry issue.

  • Sponsor a professional development opportunity, social activity or competition for students.

  • Host a casual come-and-go spotlight event to feature your organization on campus.

  • Participate alongside students and/or sponsor campus events, such as college week, homecoming, service projects and other activities.

  • Host a meeting or networking opportunity for faculty members in a discipline of interest.

Career Services is willing to partner with you to devise the best strategy for you to build your brand and establish talent connections on our campus.

Off-Campus Local Recruitment Activities

Career Services recognizes that some organizations wish to host recruitment activities off-campus when traveling to the Stillwater area. We agree to market and/or advertise off-campus recruitment events and/or activities planned in the Stillwater area for legitimate organizations who have complied with all OSU Career Services Employer Policies and who agree to follow the parameters below:


  • The request for marketing with the details of the event/activity is received by Career Services at least three (3) weeks in advance of the scheduled off-campus recruitment event/activity.

  • The off-campus recruitment activity/event is scheduled between the hours of 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. CST

  • The organization and its representatives will not provide alcoholic beverages to students and/or consume alcoholic beverages during or as a part of the event/activity.

  • The organization, its representatives, and/or the off-campus event/activity location will not charge a fee to students as a condition of participation in the recruitment event/activity

  • The organization will provide Career Services with the names of any student candidates in attendance at the recruitment event/activity after the event.

If you are interested in hosting an off-campus recruitment event, please contact our office at (405) 744-9464 to learn more about our policy and how we can help.