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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Turn your Passion into a Rewarding Career

If you love helping people, solving problems, thinking creatively or sharing your knowledge with others, a degree from the Department of Agricultural Education, Communications and Leadership is your ticket to turn your passion into a rewarding career! Our expert instructors, cutting-edge coursework, friendly staff, and personalized advising are just a few of the ways we cultivate a family atmosphere and help students become well-rounded agricultural professionals. 

Our Majors

Agricultural Education

Major in agricultural education to become a school-based agricultural education instructor or extension educator and teach the next generation of agricultural innovators and leaders.

Agricultural Communications

Major in agricultural communications to gain skills in writing, editing, photography, graphic design, digital media, social media, and video production and become qualified for a variety of careers in communications, marketing, advertising or public relations.

Agricultural Leadership

Major in agricultural leadership to gain a deep understanding of leadership theory and its application. The five core values of the major are commitment to agriculture, authentic leadership, diversity, critical thinking and professionalism.

A large group of student teachers

Built-in real-world experience

As a student in AECL, you will be required to complete an internship or student teaching experience as part of your degree program.
It's win-win-win! You'll get to explore your interests by working at a business or organization in your field of study or teaching in a high school classroom, earn college credit, and be better prepared to enter the workforce as a well-rounded agricultural professional.

High Impact Learning Experiences