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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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HORT 2010 Internship in Horticulture

Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-6027


Rating of Student Characteristics
Please give one score per row using the 1 to 5 scale.
In terms of subject matter knowledge, how prepared was the student in regards to the following subject categories:
In regards to understanding plant growth and development?*
In regards to understanding plant identification, management and use?*
In regards to understanding pest and disease management?*
In regards to the overall understanding of horticultural/business operations?*
Please provide 4-5 lines each to answer the following questions.
Would you be willing to participate in the Internship Program next year?*
Consent Form
Please check whether you "do" or "do not" provide your consent for release of the Cooperator's Final Evaluation of Student form directly to the student. If you choose to provide consent for release of the form to the student, the student will be able to access the form directly. If you do not provide consent, only the major strengths and weaknesses of the student will be relayed to them verbally, and they will not be able to access your evaluation form directly.
Consent Form*
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